Monday, October 13, 2008

Q. How do you open Microsoft Office Packaging?

Interested in how to frustrate your customers with a new product? Make the packaging ridiculously-confusing and unintuitive to open.

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that by writing this post, I risk comments from people thinking I'm an idiot, but I'm going out on a small limb here, betting that there are others out there that have had this same experience. If you haven't tried to open one of these things, I suggest you try it, then come back to my post and comment...

It's Monday evening. I am attempting to install Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 which comes in the type of packaging shown. The package is made of very rigid plastic and looks shiny and sleek -- points to Microsoft for that accomplishment. On the edge of the case just below the curve are two "tabs". After attempting to squeeze them while moving, sliding, and whatever-elseing the case, I couldn't get the damn thing open. By this time, I was already reminiscing about the wonderful experience of opening Apple [iPod|iPhone|etc] packaging and wondering if Microsoft completely designed their packaging in a vacuum.

On the top is a red plastic-film tab that begs to be pulled. I pulled it a little; nothing really happened. I pulled it more; it broke. At this same time, I saw the big sticker that goes across the packaging and was aware that it might be preventing the thing from opening. HOWEVER, the reason I didn't remove it was because there is a barcode sticker with a possible product ID (the thing I thought I might need to activate the product) -- so I hesitated removing that sticker (Why would I? I'm going to need that thing right? Seems like it should stay with the packaging).

So at this point I think to myself, "I bet there are tons of Google results on this exact issue.". Sure enough, there are -- there are even numerous YouTube videos. Here's a hint: If there are Google & YouTube results about how to open your packaging, you're doing something SERIOUSLY wrong.

It turns out that you need to remove the sticker (which in itself is a bit difficult and frustrating), then you pull the red tab (which I already ripped off) and the case hinges out.

To quote Seth & Amy, "REALLY?!?!?"

Here's a YouTube video of a guy having a similar experience and eventually opening it (why he was recording it is uncertain; if he knew it was an issue and wanted to record a video of it, it sure took him a while to do it the 2nd time around):

1 comment:

Brett Nordquist said...

Here here! I had the same issues with the Vista box. I got to the point where I thought of tossing it into a wall or driving over it with my car. Possibly the worst packaging I've ever seen. It doesn't look look cool either when it's open. Lame.